Episode #5
Kevin, B-Honest, & Christal collectively suck at Halloween but at least Kevin tries.
B-Honest and Christal agree that his past rendition of Dave Chapelle as Rick James was a hit. Kevin still wants dollars from everyone that think he looks like Dave Chappelle or the lawyer dude on Power.
Christal tries to prove men’s inability to please their mate results in less sex and a backed up prostate. B Honest counters her argument claiming women bring more trash to the bedroom, but he still won’t get his prostate checked unless his doctor is a petite Asian woman with tiny fingers.
He also isn’t buying the idea that Cardi B is to 2017 what the Beatles were to the 60’s. He wants her Rolling Stone cover rescinded.
Christal points out Kevin’s hypocrisy at shaving his head but not his beard for no shave November.
Episode #63 Christal declares Beyoncé is her new Michael Jackson. Kevin and B-Honest won’t surrender but they acknowledge Homecoming was beyond admirable. While Christal...
Episode #19 Megan Barry isn’t as bad as Marion Barry. In fact, Christal doesn’t even believe she should be punished as we’ve all been...
Episode #36 Nas has taken Trey Songz title as Mr Steal Your Girl. Christal is in full support of Jessica Santos upgrading from the...