Christal has Gabrielle Union’s back on sexual reciprocity but she isn’t down with eating groceries.
Kevin is donating $1 to the kids if you think he looks like Dave Chapelle.
Christal asks who benefits more in marriage women or men and the guys both suggest wives are set up to emasculate husbands.
B-Honest reminds everyone of the old days when wives didn’t have opinions or the ability to talkback. Christal disagrees and he responds with off color sexists jokes.
Episode #43 Christal complains about the ATL heat and attending a concert without VIP access. B-honest and Kevin have no sympathy and use the...
Episode #3 Kevin is jealous of his counterparts in the beard game matters group but disguises it as beard shaming. He decides to pick...
Episode #36 Nas has taken Trey Songz title as Mr Steal Your Girl. Christal is in full support of Jessica Santos upgrading from the...