Episode #71 Kaep gets no sympathy from B-honest. Christal isn’t feeling the fragrant op-Ed pieces on Jay’s participation or disappointment. Divorce is no laughing matter and can’t be reduced to uncoupling. The group discusses Robyn Crawford’s tell all publicity run on her relationship with Whitney Houston but Bobby Brown is the real MVP.
Kaep Your Workout To Yourself #MLL071
Episode #6 Christal is extremely contagious with possibly the Zika virus B-Honest and Kevin inform Christal that the object of her affection watches porn....
Episode #34 Full Disclosure…B-Honest was dog sitting during our recording. So there will be moments where this show doesn’t connect. We tried to edit...
Episode #47 @bundleofbrittany has B-Honest all riled up because her “book” is out. Kevin has been eagerly awaiting to rile B-Honest and Christal with...